Omaha - Player Stats

You are viewing a past football season (Fall2009). You can click any of the links to view that season's stats, standings, and more. If you would like to return to the current season's pages, CLICK HERE.

Player Standings - Offensive

(Click a column heading to sort by that stat)
Rank Team #
Rec Yds YPC TD
1 Viking Quest 4 18 420 23 4
2 Stinky Pinkies 5 14 213 15 4
3 Livin' The Dream Team Team 22 12 207 17 2
4 UnNatural Bitterness 8 9 133 14 3
5 Red Wing Surprise 14 9 157 17 4
6 High 5 2 9 211 23 3
7 Red Wing Surprise 30 8 130 16 2
8 Viking Quest 58 6 112 18 0
9 Stinky Pinkies 10 6 114 19 3
10 UnNatural Bitterness 7 6 34 5 1
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